... and I hope Mrs. Clinton has her crying towels.
I expect the folks in my home state of North Carolina to stand up in a BIG way. Since there wasn't much traffic at the actual polling sites, I hope that means everyone took advantage of early voting and absentee ballots.
Anyway, I have been meaning to do a post on all the celebrity response the campaigns have been getting. Not that I'm hung up on celebrities and what they do outside their professions (tehehe), I've noticed that a lot of them are jumping up to stump for their favorite campaigns.
A while back, I wrote a sample blog post for a new site, News One and it basically says that real voters don't care about celebrity endorsements. I still feel that way, but I think it is interesting that some celebrities are using their notoriety to get their favorite candidates elected.
The presumptive GOP nominee, John McCain, has garnered the lowest celebrity turn out. Of those that I've heard of, he's got Wilford Brimley, Tom Selleck and Rip Torn. Keep in mind that the Republican party is united and all of the celebrity nods his counterparts received will likely filter over to him.
Those are some pretty heavyweight celebs too: Adam Sandler, Bo Derek, Pat Robertson, Pat Boone, Donnie & Marie Osmond, Ric Flair, Chuck Norris and I think Joseph C. Phillips. OK, so they aren't all heavyweights, but they carry some influence or else they wouldn't be celebrities.
Sen. Hillary Clinton has racked up an impressive list of celeb endorsements. At last tally, she had: Tony Bennett, Barbara Streisand, Magic Johnson, Maya Angelou, Steven Spielberg, Rob Reiner, John Grisham, Carly Simon, Ted Danson, Billie Jean King, Victoria Rowell, Quincy Jones, Carole Simpson and America Ferrera.
When Clinton has to go home because she can't secure the votes, I wonder how many of them are going to stump for Barack Obama. I hope they all will.
Right now, a lot of folks in the media predict that Clinton supporters won't back Obama and vice versa. That's jacked up, the Republicans aren't doing that. Not saying the Dems should emulate the GOP in any way, but something can be learned from them. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
If this were a competition to see who could get the best roster of celebrity endorsements, the winner hands down is Barack Obama. OK, so I might be a little partial since this is the candidate I voted for today.
His roster includes folks like Oprah (no last name needed), George Clooney, Scarlett Johanson, Will Smith, Halle Berry, Zach Braff, Jessica Biel, Will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas, John P. Kee, Tyrese, Kareem Abdul Jabar, George Lopez and the list goes on and on.
I think the thing that trips me out is this man has had videos and songs and folks out there stumping for him. Shoot, in the last few weeks, Tatyana M. Ali, from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" fame has even traveled all over the Tar Heel State at her own expense to speak about Obama.
I'm sure that almost everyone has seen the "Yes We Can" video on YouTube or heard the song, Obama by John P. Kee.
I got an e-mail today of a newer video with another slew of celebrities that features the vocal stylings of one Zöe Kravitz, the 19-year-old daughter of Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz.
The girl can sing a little bit too. I found that out the second time I watched it. The first time, I couldn't get over how much she favors both her parents. Look at her real hard, she looks like her mom but she smiles like her dad. Freaky huh? Think that's bad, watch her performance in "The Brave One."
Anyway, take a look at the Obama video:
Anyway, like the post of the News One post, the main idea of this one is, I, along with so many of my counterparts, don't care about your celebrity endorsements. Sure they bring out the crowd but I don't really give a crap about their opinions. I care more about the candidate and what they plan to do and whether or not they'll execute.
Let's watch, shall we?
Girl, I had to come check u out after u preached the TRUFF over at Eb's spot:
"I co-sign on what Ludacris says, "Some say that sex is overrated, but they just ain't doing it right." That's true, for women, sex is 90 percent mental. Like my mom told me in high school, "if he gets in your head, he gets in your bed.""
Now regarding this post: 1) I LOVE Obama & he's got a WAYYYY cooler list of celeb supporters;-). 2) Thanx for that info. on Zoe, daughter of one of my fave celebrity couples (i still wished they could've worked it out - Lisa & Lenny were so cute together). She IS a beautiful likeness of them both!
I hope she's racked with lacrimation. Hillary that is ;-)
Very nice word! Very nice. ;-)
Girl, I had to come check u out after u preached the TRUFF over at Eb's spot:
"I co-sign on what Ludacris says, "Some say that sex is overrated, but they just ain't doing it right."
That's true, for women, sex is 90 percent mental. Like my mom told me in high school, "if he gets in your head, he gets in your bed.""
Now regarding this post:
1) I LOVE Obama & he's got a WAYYYY cooler list of celeb supporters;-).
2) Thanx for that info. on Zoe, daughter of one of my fave celebrity couples (i still wished they could've worked it out - Lisa & Lenny were so cute together). She IS a beautiful likeness of them both!
Thanks for stopping by capcity. Welcome, I hope you won't be a stranger.
Be sure to stop by Difference of Opinion.
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