Words will never be able to convey the amount of pride, honor, excitement and anxiety I feel for this man on this day. At noon today, Barack Hussein Obama will be sworn in as this nation's 44th president.
After more than 200 years of institutionalized slavery, more than 100 years of Jim Crow laws that legalized segregation and the on-going discrimination that people of color endure regularly - finally, we have stepped up to cash that metaphoric check Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke about at the March on Washington.
Standing tall atop the shoulders of great black Americans like King, like Ralph Abernathy, like Rosa Parks and countless others, we as people, of all colors, have achieved a dream that our foreparents dared not dream. We have joined together with brethren and foes alike to move our wonderful nation forward in a positive direction.
Today, America is different. It's been transformed, reborn and it has indeed become a better place.
There's still work to be done, but now, we can do it together. Now is the time for us to put aside our differences, our hatred and our insecurities so that we can all come together on one accord to make our country the best it can possibly be.
So today, faithful readers, shake a hand, share a smile, hell, hug a few folks and let's get to work.
A wise person once said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Casting our ballots for Obama was that first step and the work we do will up to those thousand miles. Let's finish this journey together.